Dental Services
A Global Strategic Business Report
Empident digitizes and automizes professional preventive dental services for patients
http://www.digitalinsuranceagenda.com DIA YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/c/TheDIACommunity/featured Make sure to reserve your seat for DIA Munich 2022: https://www.digitalinsuranceagenda.com/events/dia-munich-2022/want-to-attend/ DIA on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/digital-insurance-agenda/ DIA on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DigitalInsuranceAgenda/?ref=br_rs DIA on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thediacommunity/ DIA on Twitter: https://twitter.com/thediacommunity Thanks for watching! Don’t forget to like and subscribe if you enjoyed our content!
Free dental services for kids
Dr. Suzanne Ebert of the Sulzbacher Dental Clinic explains how "Give Kids a Smile" help provide free and accessible dental care to local qualifying kids.
REAL TALK: CORPORATE DENTISTRY | Asking hard questions about life at Pacific Dental Services, a DSO
💖Share this video: https://youtu.be/yvFGpWn2qYY Just because he's my husband doesn't mean I went easy on him, LOL. My husband works for Pacific Dental Services, and these are his personal experiences, which overall have been quite positive. That being said I have heard HORROR stories about corporate dentistry in general. Keep in mind that DSO's are all structured differently, and I think the corporation that you end up at can be a part of the experience. More importantly, I think the experiences that people have all fall on who the owner doctor is. If the owner doc is shady, your experiences will not be great and this can be said of private practice as well. People ask me ALL THE TIME why my husband and I don't work together. It is not because I think private is better or worse than corporate. I choose to practice in private because it fits my personality. In the end, we all want to practice in a manner that suits us. Another question I get asked ALL THE TIME is why someone would want to take a fraction of equity when they could own 100% of their practice. This is a personal decision. Although Byron may not own 100% of his practice, his office is so large scale, ranging from many specialists and doctors that even taking a portion of that is more than what I make at a small practice. Private practice can also get large scale like this if designed to be, but that has never been my ambition. I work 2-3 days at the practice and that is my happy place. This video is long (18 min) so here are time stamps if you want to scroll through: 1:005 - Why did you choose Corporate over Private? 2:19 -Why do you think Corp has such a bad reputation? 3:38 - Do you think it’s possible to practice ethically and still move up in corporate structure? 4:48- What parameters do they measure from their dentists and do you think this creates an ethical environment? 7:33 - Misconceptions about Corporate Dentistry? 9:35 - What are some perks for associates who work at PDS? 10:45 - What is the average day of a corporate dentist? 11:54 - What are the differences in roles between associate and owner? 13:04 - where is the line between what Corp handles and what the owner doc handles 14:09 - Who makes more money? Joyce or Byron? 16:25 - Who is a good candidate for Corporate? 17:35 - What do you look for in someone wanting a job at PDS? As always, THANK YOU to Byron for being on screen with me. The man hates being on camera and he forewarned me that it won't come naturally to him! I considered telling his experiences myself as a private practice owner, but thought it was better if he could tell it. He obliged...happy wife happy life!!!!! 👋Subscribe to my video to get more insights into the life of a dentist 📚To Get My eBook "Instagram Marketing for the Modern Dentist" || https://amzn.to/2W6U5hO 👩🏻⚕️My Favorite Whitecoat : Rebecca Slim Fit || http://bit.ly/30xyUF8 💄Join me on Influenster: http://bit.ly/2LW1LiZ 📱MY OTHER SOCIALS: 🌟Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/joycethedentist 🖥Website: https://www.joycethedentist.com/ 🦷My Practice: https://www.joycekahngdds. 📸Equipment: Camera: Canon g7x Mark ii Editing Software: Final Cut Pro Music from : https://www.epidemicsound.com/ Contact me: ig.joycethedentist@gmail.com
Webinar: Using Dental Services, Benefits to Motivate Families to Enroll in Medicaid, CHIP (2/27/15)
Starting good oral health habits and dental care at a young age is critical to a child’s overall health. Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) play an instrumental role in providing access to oral health benefits for enrolled children. This webinar, held during the 2015 National Children’s Dental Health Month, focused on outreach tips and examples of enrollment activities through dental service events. CMS’ “Think Teeth” oral health resources were highlighted; these materials educate families about the importance of oral health for their children’s well-being and the availability of dental coverage under Medicaid and CHIP. Access CMS’ oral health materials here: http://www.insurekidsnow.gov/professionals/dental/index.html We accept comments in the spirit of our comment policy: http://newmedia.hhs.gov/standards/comment_policy.html As well, please view the HHS Privacy Policy: http://www.hhs.gov/Privacy.html
Delmarva Dental Services - Oral Cancer Screening
Prof Ciaran O’Neill - Equity and use of dental services by children and adolescents in NI
The Northern Ireland Longitudinal Study (NILS) Ten Year Anniversary: Linking Data, Informing Policy 3/3
CBCT: Dr. Nacho Interviews Jeff Horowitz and Kimberly Padro of Professional Dental Services
3-D Imaging & Airway with Dr. Jeff Horowtiz on Nacho CE on TV supported by our awesome sponsor Kimberly Padro Reach out: kimberly@pdsaz.net 602.214.0001 Text NACHOS to 215.543.6454 For more information please visit www.dentalnachos.com
Preparing for the 2022 RWHAP Dental Services Report Submission
Review of the Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) Dental Services Report (DSR) submission process for 2021. Session covers new features of the DSR, submission steps, and technical assistance resources.
Dental Services Marketing Advice For West Hartford Business owners From LPJM Solutions, LLC (57...
TalkingAboutMy.FunnelPageSites.com/LPJM Interview On Dental Services Marketing Secrets For West Hartford Businesses From Michael Larkin LPJM Solutions, LLC (571) 269-6328 Michael Larkin is an expert in the area of Dental Services Marketing. To get more information you can contact them at: LPJM Solutions, LLC 6 Middlefield Dr. West Hartford CT 06107 TalkingAboutMy.FunnelPageSites.com/LPJM
DentAesthetica|Clinic Dental Services-Franchise Business Opportunity
Business Opportunity with #DentAethetica - An Established Clinic Offering Dental Services. ✓ Multi-speciality: All dental treatments including all kind of diagnostics under one roof ✓ Soothing / Relaxing Ambience environment is very soothing so patients coming in don’t have a phobia towards dental treatment. ✓ Patient education: We understand the need of our patient and we explain in depth about their problem and suggests solutions to them. ✓ Cleanliness: The practice prioritises 6 step sterilisation which is carried out strictly ✓ Patient Satisfaction Our patient are very satisfied with results and our way of working ✓ All the USPs are very well transformed into franchise model with proper training. ✓ Our franchisee gets support from us at all levels from quality control to support at all levels. Franchise Facts Area – 1300 Sq ft Investment – 54 lacs ROI- 142% Payback period – 1 year 7 months For more business opportunities Click here : https://bit.ly/2TzStdG #FranchiseBusiness #DentAesthetica #Franchiseindia #Franchise #FranchiseIdeas #Gauravmarya Subscribe Like on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/FranchiseIndia Like Us On Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/FranchiseIndiaMedia Follow us on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/franchiseindia_/ Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/FranchiseIndia Follow us on LinkedIn : https://www.linkedin.com/company/franchise-india-holdings-limited/
Dental Services in an FQHC
Dr. Lisa Beaudette-Nguyen, DDS, Chief Dental Officer, and Dr. Kushbu Shah, DDS discuss the practicing dentistry for AHS Family Health Center, Inc.
A Video to Promote Your Dental Services
Video Sales Work is a video marketing and seo services company. We create A Video to Promote Your Dental Services for your business and get them to rank in Google Search. We rank your custom YouTube video for your key search terms. We will remove the watermark and put your business info in the appropriate locations. http://videosaleswork.com If you found this video valuable, give it a like. If you know someone who needs to see it, share it. Leave a comment below with your thoughts. Add it to a playlist if you want to watch it later. Why Your Business Needs Video Marketing? Video gives you the opportunity to interact with your customers by allowing them to get to know you and your business, and feel comfortable with you. This is especially important for small, local businesses. Forrester Research Group says “video is 53 times more likely than text pages to appear on the first page of a search engine.” It is without a doubt that a video can be quickly optimized to reach the top pages of Google, as Google loves Videos and with our video marketing services, your video will start ranking very fast and that means you will be shown in the results much faster than the web page. If your videos are ranked on Google and other search engines then you are exposed to a great traffic that actually want what you provide and your video will catch the attention of the user more than the normal text of the websites.More Traffic means more Sales. A video can go viral , people will discuss a video more than a web page . A video can initiate a mouth to mouth marketing . When people will see your videos that has an impact over them , they will also talk to others about it.Video marketing Services help your video to go viral. ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN THE WORDS and videos are full of actions effects and also a great way to narrate your product to the audience. Video Optimization Seo is a new concept so it gives you an edge over your competitors who are still following the old traditional ways of search engine optimization. IT CAN REDUCE YOUR ADWORDS COST. Ranking on the search engine using video seo marketing will be far more economical then the sponsored link. So, let’s create a video to promote your business and increase customer engagement. Are you ready to get started? Watch this video, https://youtu.be/pTpG0a_GeBA. Feel free to share this video: https://youtu.be/pTpG0a_GeBA Check Out Our Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWg0eY4cOS-kYTkFEf1jw7w Visit Our Site For More Info: http://videosaleswork.com Check out our G+ post about this video: https://plus.google.com/u/0/103215370704556529954 Check our FB posts about this video: https://www.facebook.com/vsaleswork #Dentist #DentalWorks #ToothRepair #http://VideoSalesWork.com #VideoSalesWork #ChicagoSEOExpert #DigitalMarketingChicago #ReputationMarketingChicago #TargetedMarketingChicago #InternetMarketingChicago
Full Mouth Restoration with Basal Implants - Smile Dental Services Bulgaria Patient Review
Patient review for Full Mouth Restoration Procedure with Basal Implants in Smile Dental Services Bulgaria. http://dental.implants.bg/?visit=boi_implants_restoration_full_mouth
Upper Jaw Restoration with Basal Implants - Smile Dental Services Bulgaria Patient Review
Patient review for Upper Jaw Restoration Procedure with Basal Implants in Smile Dental Services Bulgaria. http://dental.implants.bg/?visit=boi_implants_restoration_single_jaw
Full Mouth Restoration with Basal Implants - Smile Dental Services Bulgaria Patient Review
Patient review for Full Mouth Restoration Procedure with Basal Implants (alternative for All-on-4) in Smile Dental Services Bulgaria. https://dental.implants.bg/?visit=implants_abroad
AmeriPlan Dental Plus - Big Savings On Dental Services
What a great price: $19.95 a month to cover everyone in your household for heavily discounted dental services with AmeriPlan Dental Plus! Not just your family, but everyone who lives in your house can save big on dental services. The AmeriPlan team are experts at finding high quality dentists, healthcare providers, and medical specialists to provide you the best care possible and all dental services at a great discount. Working with these dentists and other healthcare professionals, AmeriPlan can save you between 50 percent and 80 percent on dental procedures alone! All healthcare providers recognize how difficult it can be to pay for care. They are willing to work with the AmeriPlan team to offer discounted dental and healthcare services because they understand that happy patients will tell others about their experience. The AmeriPlan Dental Plus does not only provide great discounts for dental procedures – there’s more! We also include substantial discounts for chiropractic visits, vision, and prescriptions. AmeriPlan Dental Plus is a great discount dental plan for all of these reasons and more! For a single $19.95 monthly payment, everyone in the family or household is covered. Household means everyone living in your home. This includes your Mom or Dad, if they are living with you. This includes you, if you are living with your Mom or Dad. This includes your children if they are living with you, even adult children who moved back in when they lost their job. Your situation is not unique. Millions of Americans are trying to save money and AmeriPlan can help. We’re not health insurance or dental insurance – we help you save money on health and dental expenses through heavily discounted health services through our network of thousands of local health providers – many in your area right now! Click the link below to learn more about how you can save BIG on all dental services - or to sign up today! http://pikespeakstrategicgroup.com/ameriplan-dental-plus/get-great-discounts-dental-care-ameriplan-dental-plus/ Or call us at 1-855-878-7774
Follow up of Access to Public Dental Services in Victoria
Victorian Auditor-General's follow up report on Access to Public Dental Services in Victoria, tabled 28 November 2019. In 2016 the Victorian Auditor-General tabled a report Access to Public Dental Services in Victoria, which examined whether public dental services are accessible in a timely manner and whether the agencies effectively facilitate timely access. The report made 11 recommendations to DHHS and DHSV. In this follow up, we assessed whether the two agencies have effectively implemented these recommendations.
Denture Aesthetics by Duchenne Dental Services
http://duchenne.co.nz/ The appearance of your dentures is one of the four key factors that determine the success of your full or partial dentures. This video discusses how to create a beautiful natural-looking smile when having full or partial dentures repaired or constructed. http://duchenne.co.nz/
Harvest Dental Products & Roland DGShape Present TriLor®
Come learn from Daniel Alter MSc MDT CDT about the remarkable benefits of the incredibly innovative Techno-Polymer Fiberglass called TriLor offered by Harvest Dental Products. See the great advantages it provides your dentist clients, your dental laboratory and ultimately, your patients. If you are a Roland DGShape user, this is a must view webinar for you, as Ian O'Neill from DGShape explains how to achieve the successes you want when milling TriLor to gain best results with implant supported solutions. #Trilor #Roland #dentalmill #dentalCAD/CAM #dentalimplants
DGSHAPE Branding Video (English Captions)
Learn more about DGSHAPE corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Roland DG Corporation. Hamamatsu, Japan.
VITA Social TV: Interview with Yosuke Mineno (Assistant Manager Product Planing Group), DGSHAPE - VITA Cooperationpartner
კომპანიამ Bredent Medical თბილისის ზოოპარკის დასახმარებლად საქველმოქმედო აქცია ჩაატარა
კომპანიამ Bredent Medical თბილისის ზოოპარკის დასახმარებლად საქველმოქმედო აქცია ჩაატარა მიმდინარე წლის 13-დან 15 მაისის ჩათვლით გერმანული კომპანია Bredent Medical-ის სერტიფიცირებულმა ექიმებმა ინოვაციური მეთოდებისა და უახლესი მასალების გამოყენებით საჩვენებელი ოპერაციები ჩაატარეს. Bredent Medical ერთ-ერთი წამყვანი კომპანიაა მსოფლიოში დენტალური იმპლანტების წარმოების სფეროში. ოპერაციებს დაესწრნენ საქართველოდან და სომხეთიდან მოწვეული ექიმები. შემოსული თანხა ჩაირიცხა 13 ივნისის წყალდიდობის შედეგად დაზარალებული თბილისის ზოოპარკის საქველმოქმედო ფონდში. ოპერაციები გააკეთეს: იმპლანტოლოგმა სომხეთიდან დავიდ გალსტიანმა (კლინიკა „დივიდენტი“) და ყბა-სახის ქირურგმა საქართველოდან მაია კივილაძემ (კლინიკა „ეკსნერი და კომპანია“). ---------------------------------------- Bredent Medical company ran a charity event to help Tbilisi Zoo Doctors certified by German company Bredent Medical – one of the leading dental producers in the world, showcased a number of surgical operations implementing innovative methods and modern materials in Tbilisi, on May 13-15, 2016. During the master class surgeries were meant to show innovative methods and share the experience with doctors from Georgia and Armenia. Financial proceeds from the surgeries were donated to the charity fund of Tbilisi Zoo, that was hardly damaged by the heavy flooding in June 2015, leaving numerous animals killed, and many more roaming in the streets of the city. The surgeries were conducted by Dr. Davit Galstyan (dental implantologist from Divident dental clinic of Armenia) and Dr. Maia Kiviladze (dental implantologist and maxillofacial surgeon from Exner & Company dental clinic of Georgia) jointly, supported by their medical teams to demonstrate a concept of team work in dental implantology.
Вебинар №16 от bredent | Аладент 30.05.20
Кудряшов Евгений, Токарев Михаил, Казаков Максим. Тема : "Новые решения реставраций зубного ряда на имплантантах при полном отсутствии зубов и использование цифровых протоколов изготовления биосовместимых конструкций в условно-съёмном протезировании".
Stock Deep Dive - Align Technology (ALGN)
Align Technology (ALGN) stock tumbled after their earnings announcement in April. This high growth stock is victim of sector rotation as well as COVID related slowdown. Let us review top "Medical Device" stocks and deep dive on ALGN. ALGN, MDT, SYK, ISRG, EW, BDX, WST, HOLX, COO, PODD, TFX #rajoptiontrading
Navigating a World of Exploding Innovation to Align Technology to Serve People and the Planet
When future generations look back at the technology we're building today, what will they see? Will they see products that helped us find meaning and balance, that healed our communities and democracies, and helped us find shared understanding? Or will they see clever hacks for maximising engagement, algorithms that drove outrage, and a world where no one could tell fact from fiction... Today we face massive global challenges - from worsening mental health to growing inequity, rising authoritarianism and the climate crisis. One way or another, the technology we build will shape our collective capacity to solve these problems. The UN Innovation Network in collaboration with the Center For Humane Technology hosting an introduction to Foundations of Humane Technology (https://www.humanetech.com/course), an online course for people designing, developing and distributing 21st century technology.
Marketing to Gen Z: Align Technology & Cadent Featured Fireside Chat
Enjoy this fireside chat from Brand Innovators Marketing to Gen Z #BILivecast, featuring: Alma Salazar, Director, Consumer Marketing | Invisalign®, North America, Teen, Align Technology Moderated By: Jamie Power, Chief Data Officer & COO of ATV, Cadent LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE! 🗓 Browse our upcoming livecasts: https://www.brand-innovators.com/livecast-series 🏆 Check out our CMO of the Week & other brand marketing news: https://www.brand-innovators.com/news 📲 Join our mobile community: https://textbrandinnovators.com/ 🤝 Stay Connected with Brand Innovators: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/brand-innovators-llc/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrandInnovators Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandinnovators/ #BrandInnovators #brandmarketing #GenZ
Is Align Technology stock a buy now? ALGN Stock Review 2022
Review and analysis the basic metrics of ALGN stock. We review the market cap, total return, compound annual growth rate, revenue growth forecast, net income growth forecast, EPS growth forecast, shares buyback, dividend, 52 week high, 52 week low, PE ratio, forward PE ratio, cash position, long term liabilities, moat, future projection, margin, valuation, 10 year treasury yield, S&P 500 yield, S&P 500 forward PE, summary, long term investing, discounted free cash flow valuation, analyst recommendation rating, and analyst price target. At the end, we give a short summary and analysis of ALGN stock. This stock review is only for entertainment purpose and not financial advice.
CIO Leadership Live with Sreelakshmi Kolli, CIO of Align Technology | Ep 15
In this episode, host Maryfran Johnson talks with Sreelakshmi Kolli, CIO of Align Technology, about how the orthodontics provider is attracting top IT talent and using emerging technologies such as blockchain and 3D printing to expand its market. Find more CIO Leadership Live videos on our new YouTube channel, IDG TECH(talk): https://www.youtube.com/idgtechtalk Follow TECH(talk) for the latest tech news and discussion! ---------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=idgtechtalk FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/idgtechtalk/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/IDGTechTalk WEBSITE: https://www.computerworld.com/video/series/8529/tech-talk
How Brands Show Up in Culture: Panel Featuring Align Technology, Yum Brands & Sodexo Live!
Enjoy this inspiring #BILivecast from Scottsdale, AZ featuring these powerful brand leaders: Kamal Bhandal, Vice President, Brand & Consumer Marketing, Invisalign, Align Technology Haley Davison, Sr. Global Product Owner, CRM & Loyalty , Yum Brands Paul Pettas, Vice President, Brand & Communications, Sodexo Live! Moderated by: Ryan Detert, Chief Executive Officer, Influential LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE & SHARE! 🗓 Browse our upcoming livecasts & events: https://www.brand-innovators.com/live... 🏆 Check out our CMO of the Week & other brand marketing news: https://www.brand-innovators.com/news 🤝 Stay Connected with Brand Innovators: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/brand-innovators-llc/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandinnovators/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/BrandInnovators TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brand_innovators #BrandInnovators #BrandMarketing #MarketingCommunity #BISummit #BiLivecast
ALGN Stock | Align Technology Inc Q2 2021 Earnings Call
Access earnings conference call transcripts at: https://news.alphastreet.com/earnings-call-transcripts/ Earnings Infographics: https://news.alphastreet.com/infographics/ Earnings Calendar: https://news.alphastreet.com/earnings-calendar/ CEO Interviews: https://news.alphastreet.com/interviews/ Listen on: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-earnings-podcast-from-alphastreet/id1535892241?uo=4 https://anchor.fm/earningspodcast/ https://open.spotify.com/show/67gyUX6kl1lpewQcWDvHJ0 https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8zODY2ZmUwOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== https://radiopublic.com/the-earnings-podcast-from-alphast-Gq2Bpo Follow us on: https://twitter.com/AlphSt_Live https://twitter.com/_AlphaStreet https://www.facebook.com/AlphaStreetinc https://www.linkedin.com/company/alphastreet http://www.google.com/news/s/CAowj7D0Cg https://apple.news/TZOi1Q735Ty-T4dxalibGNw Subscribe this channel to listen to earnings call audios
ALGN Stock | Align Technology Inc Q4 2020 Earnings Call
Access earnings conference call transcripts at: https://news.alphastreet.com/earnings-call-transcripts/ Earnings Calendar: https://news.alphastreet.com/earnings-calendar/ Earnings Infographics: https://news.alphastreet.com/infographics/ Listen on: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-earnings-podcast-from-alphastreet/id1535892241?uo=4 https://anchor.fm/earningspodcast/ https://open.spotify.com/show/67gyUX6kl1lpewQcWDvHJ0 https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cHM6Ly9hbmNob3IuZm0vcy8zODY2ZmUwOC9wb2RjYXN0L3Jzcw== https://radiopublic.com/the-earnings-podcast-from-alphast-Gq2Bpo Follow us on: https://twitter.com/AlphSt_Live https://twitter.com/_AlphaStreet https://www.facebook.com/AlphaStreetinc https://www.linkedin.com/company/alphastreet http://www.google.com/news/s/CAowj7D0Cg https://apple.news/TZOi1Q735Ty-T4dxalibGNw Subscribe this channel to listen to earnings call audios
Caso de éxito en empleabilidad Align Technology
Sr. Andrés Salazar – Vicepresidente de Operaciones Regionales / Align Technology
1449 Joe Hogan, CEO of Align Technology, on Trailblazing in Clear Aligners and Digital Dentistry
Joe Hogan joined Align in June 2015 as President, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), and a Director of Align Technology. Joe is an accomplished chief executive with extensive experience across multiple industries including healthcare, technology and industrial automation. Before joining Align, Joe served as CEO of ABB, a $40 billion global power and automation technologies company based in Zurich, Switzerland. During his five years at ABB, he oversaw a 25% increase in revenues. Prior to ABB, Joe spent 25 years at General Electric (GE) in a variety of executive and management roles, including eight years as CEO of GE Healthcare, where he drove significant geographic and market portfolio expansion and more than doubled revenues from $7 billion to $16 billion. Joe earned an M.B.A. from Robert Morris University and a B.S. degree in Business and Economics from Geneva College, both in Pennsylvania. Join the community on Dentaltown at https://www.dentaltown.com Subscribe to Dentistry Uncensored on Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/dentistry-uncensored-with-howard-farran/id916907356 Subscribe to Dentistry Uncensored on Google Podcasts: https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL2RlbnRhbHRvd24uZmFycmFubWVkaWEubGlic3lucHJvLmNvbS9yc3M
CIO Leadership Live with Sreelakshmi Kolli, CIO of Align Technology | Ep 15
In this episode, host Maryfran Johnson talks with Sreelakshmi Kolli, CIO of Align Technology, about how the orthodontics provider is attracting top IT talent and using emerging technologies such as blockchain and 3D printing to expand its market. Follow TECH(talk) for the latest tech news and discussion! ---------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=idgtechtalk FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/idgtechtalk/ TWITTER: https://twitter.com/IDGTechTalk WEBSITE: https://www.cio.com/video/series/8529/tech-talk
Align Technology - Disruptor in der Orthopädie expandiert Weltweit - TrendInvest Aktienanalyse
Wir schauen uns heute den führenden Hersteller von unsichtbaren Zahnschienen an, die Align Technology Aktie. Was sind ihre Produkte, deren Vorteile und wie viel technologischer Fortschritt sich dahinter versteckt. Unterstütze unsere Bildungsmission via Paypal: http://paypal.me/TrendInvestment 100% der Kanaleinnahmen werden in unser TrendInvest Musterdepot investiert. 50% der jährlich realisierten Gewinne werden gespendet. Meine Empfehlungen, die ich selbst nutze und von denen ich überzeugt bin: Depots: Trade Republic - 15€ Bonus: http://bit.ly/DeinTradeRepublicDepot Comdirect - 12Monate für 3.90€ traden: http://bit.ly/DeinComdirectDepot Ing Diba - 6Monate für 2.90€ traden: http://bit.ly/DeinIngDibaDepot Bei Consorsbank bitte Werbungscode mit angeben: IIju2Q Consorsbank - 12Monate für 3.90€ traden: http://bit.ly/DeinConsorsbankDepot Scalable Capital: https://bit.ly/DeinScalableDepot Meine Handelsplattform für Kryptowährungen: Bison App - 10€ in Bitcoin für dich: https://bit.ly/DeinBisonAccount Link zu AgoraDirect: http://bit.ly/DeinAgoraDirectDepot Bücher: Eine einfache Übersicht von Wirtschaftszusammenhängen: https://amzn.to/3nG5xfe Wie bewertet man Unternehmen und deren Kennzahlen: https://amzn.to/3lC8iwo Links zu den TrendInvest Tools: Anlage Simulator für Finanzielle Freiheit: https://bit.ly/TI_Anlage_Simulator Portfolio Rechner für deine Sparraten: https://bit.ly/TrendInvest_Portfolio_Rechner
ALIGN TECHNOLOGY INC on 1M - 2010 to 2020 - EngineeringRobo
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