Dental Restorative Supplies
A Global Strategic Business Report
Executive Citations
Company Discussions
Brand/Product Insights
PT Mitsui Chemicals & SKC Polyurethanes Indonesia Testimony by M. Irfan Nurul Fajar A (RnD Staff)
At MCNS, you will have opportunities to contributes in enrich people daily lives through your idea and creativity which pursue innovation in various projects by enhancing the value of materials. We offer challenging experience and global career for persons who are energetic and enthusiastic about leading our global business to the next stage. Whether you are a fresh graduate or a mid-career switch working professional, we welcome you to be part of us to make this world will become happier place. © 2021 PT MCNS. Seluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang.
MITSUI CHEMICALS, INC.Company Profile and Tech Intelligence Report, 2018
The report MITSUI CHEMICALS, INC.Company Profile is a detailed document covered company’s Overview, History, SWOT Analysis, Products/Services, Facts, Financials, Key Executives, Competitors, Tech Intelligence, IT Outsourcing, IT Management, Recent Developments and Strategy Evaluation. Avail Sample of the report for more information @ https://www.researchcosmos.com/request/mitsui-chemicals-inc-company-profile-overview-history/7726954
PT Mitsui Chemicals & SKC Polyurethanes Indonesia Testimony by Yulita Angelina (RnD Staff)
At MCNS, you will have opportunities to contributes in enrich people daily lives through your idea and creativity which pursue innovation in various projects by enhancing the value of materials. We offer challenging experience and global career for persons who are energetic and enthusiastic about leading our global business to the next stage. Whether you are a fresh graduate or a mid-career switch working professional, we welcome you to be part of us to make this world will become happier place. © 2021 PT MCNS. Seluruh Hak Cipta Dilindungi Undang-Undang.
Mitsui Chemicals CSR Project Video in Yakushima
As a World Natural Heritage site, Yakushima-island receives a number of tourists from home and abroad. However, it lacked benches where a visitor could relax, admire the beautiful scenery, or take a break, and the town had recognized this as an issue. So, Mitsui Chemicals donated benches which were made by Yakushima thinning cedar lumber. These benches are applied with the wood protective paint NONROT™
ITRI Grants Taiwan Mitsui Chemicals Exclusive License to Manufacture and Sell STOBA™
Safety Test of LIB - STOBA(TM) inside http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20140928005024/en/ITRI-Grants-Taiwan-Mitsui-Chemicals-Exclusive-License#.VClpv2ddV8E
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Kuraray Co., Ltd.【PROPAK ASIA 2017】
Composites Exchange Kuraray - Kuraray's High Performance Polymers provide the performance you need.
When it really matters: Kuraray's high-performance polymers provide the performance you need. GenestarTM PA9T is a special semi-aromatic (terephthalic acid) polyamide engineering plastics composed of C9 monomers, which was commercialized by Kuraray for the first time. This product is well applicable in numerous modifications such as fibres, films or resin. Based on this very different and versatile subsequent processing is possible. We introduce the superior performance of GenestarTM PA9T especially desired for very demanding applications and environments. More specific fibre reinforced composites such as UD tapes and organo sheets shall be described in detail. In addition Kuraray’s leading products on vibration damping will be discussed. Different application areas are highlighted. Speaker(s): Robert FUSS, Head of New Business Development, Kuraray Europe Amir BAHRAMI, Market Development & Technical Expert, Kuraray Europe
Pro Pak ASIA 2020 Report ーKuraray Specialities (Thailand) Co., Ltd.ー
ProPak Asia 2020 Report #Samurai_Asia #Thailand #タイ #サムライアジア #ซามูไร_เอเชีย #ประเทศไทย #Kuraray #Logistic_System #Kuraray_Specialities_THAILAND #ProPak_ASIA #Bitec
Presentación de Kuraray durante Plastimagen México 2014
Marcela Castro, coordinadora editorial de Tecnología del Plástico, habló con los ingenieros sobre la participación de la empresa en la feria internacional del plástico.
Kuraray - one qtr inch tempered 35mil sgp one qtr inch tempered cantilever 500 ftlbs
Kuraray Interlayer Solutions, a group of Kuraray America, Inc., is a global leader for interlayers for laminated safety glass. Kuraray Interlayers Solutions was created in 2014 with the merger of DuPont’s Glass Laminating Solutions (GLS) division and TROSIFOL® PVB Division.
What is Kuraray?
What is Kuraray? Kuraray is an international chemical, resin and fiber company providing unique solutions that will transform the future.
TechTalk: New Products from Kuraray Noritake
In the latest episode of #TechTalk, Steven Klein, Lab Manager, Kuraray Noritake joins Andrew Kissin, Senior Marketing Manager, Zahn Dental to discuss new products such as: - KATANA zirconia HTML, a shade-specific, high-strength material - The FC Paste Stain to the CERABIEN™ ZR line - KATANA zirconia LT for blocking out dark preps - PANAVIA™ SA Cement Universal launched for both the clinical and lab side Learn more at zahndental.com Subscribe to our channel at https://bit.ly/ZahnSubscribe Connect with us on: Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/zahndental Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/zahndentallab/ LinkedIn – http://www.linkedin.com/company/zahndental
30 Years of EVAL in the US (Kuraray)
Industry 4.0 & Manufacturing Analytics: Starting the Journey - Jared Witte, Kuraray
ARC Advisory Group is the leading technology research and advisory firm for industry, infrastructure and cities. Our coverage of technology and trends extends from business systems to product and asset lifecycle management, Industrial IoT, Industry 4.0, supply chain management, operations management, energy optimization and automation systems. Our analysts and consultants have the industry knowledge and the first-hand experience to help find the best answers to the complex business issues facing organizations today. Contact us: https://www.arcweb.com/about/contact-us Subscribe to our channel: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=ARCadvisory
Kuraray: Company Intro Welcome Video
Here's an example of a welcome video that Pop Video (http://popvideo.com/) produced for Kuraray. Kuraray recently bought a large part of DuPont. This acquisition came with the onboarding of over 450 DuPont employees. As it goes with any merger or acquisition, there can be unrest among the masses, but Kuraray wanted to make sure this didn’t happen. The solution was to create a video address from the CEO, distributed to every new employee. This video’s message was simple and the visuals were beautiful, leaving viewers feeling valued and excited about their new future with a rapidly growing company. Reach out to us at hello@popvideo.com or 832.209.2105 with any questions, comments, or to request a quote. Pop Video can be your strategic video marketing partner. As a video marketing agency, we combine our business acumen with our creative minds to simplify the video process. We partner with our clients to enhance, visualize and shape their communications. We work with you throughout the entire process to provide everything you need to create eye-catching video content. Our expert team provides the creative foresight, video creation, and technology to support your cutting edge communications efforts. Questions or comments? Visit us at http://popvideo.com or give us a call at 832.209.2105. Subscribe to view all our awesome work! https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=POPVideoHouston Let’s connect! Facebook: http://facebook.com/popvideohouston Twitter: https://twitter.com/popvideohouston Instagram: http://instagram.com/pop_video Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/u/0/b/115711419797602973338/+Popvideo Blog: http://popvideo.com/blog Web: http://popvideo.com Hello. I'm George Avdey, President of Kuraray America. And I want to welcome each and every one of you here to this brief introduction to our company, Kuraray and Kuraray America. Kuraray has been an innovative company since its beginning in 1926, when it started as a rayon manufacturing company in Kurashiki, Japan. Today, Kuraray is close to a $5 billion global specialty chemical, polymer, and film company, meeting the needs of industrial consumers, as well as regular consumers like, you and I. Over the years, Kuraray has had to find ways to innovate its way towards growth. So they embarked upon developing new applications for PVOH, polyvinyl alcohol. And Kuraray's trademark name for PVOH is POVAL. And during this time, we developed innovative copolymers of polyvinyl alcohol for inkjet paper, as the computer industry was rapidly developing and for a new emerging market for liquid crystal displays. Now, all of us are familiar with liquid crystal display televisions that we have today. But in the 1970s, it all started with a small watch with a few square millimeters of polarizing film made by Kuraray. And today, this is one of Kuraray's largest businesses. In the early 1980s, Kuraray realized that in order to be a global chemical company, it had to expand its production capabilities into the United States. It established the first EVAL EVOH plant in Pasadena, Texas in 1986. In 25 short years, we have now expanded our capabilities in the United States to include 3 plants and the acquisition of MonoSol. So in 25 years, Kuraray has gone from 10,000 tons of EVOH to 48,000 tons of EVOH. In 2000, we built the first thermoplastic elastomers plant, SEPTON, a 10,000 ton-a-year plant. Today, it is 23,000 tons a year. Currently, we are completing the construction of a 40,000 ton POVAL PVOH plant in Laporte, Texas to be completed in October of 2014. So you can see that Kuraray is continuing to invest more money and more faith in the people here in Kuraray America, as we build our vinyl acetate chain around the world. Our current president is Fumio Ito and he has a dream. And his dream is by 2018 that we would grow Kuraray sales globally to $10 billion, and that we would expand our vinyl acetate operations around the world, and that we would develop a foundation of highly skilled people to safely sustain this growth, not only for this generation of people who are working at Kuraray but for future generations. So I want to thank you for spending your time with me here today. And I encourage all of you to join us enthusiastically as we build on this dream. Thank you.
TDB 2019 Kuraray Jusuf Lukarcanin Kurs
TDB 2019'da Uzm. Dr. Jusuf Lukarcanin önderliğinde gerçekleşen ve Kuraray ürünlerinin kullanıldığı Posterior Bölgede Kompozit Uygulamalar başlıklı kursumuzun full versiyonu.
HSE Supervisor with Kuraray and HBR Vice Chair Richard Bass talks with BIC Magazine
Richard Bass shares how for almost 50 years, the primary focus for nonprofit Houston Business Roundtable has always been on improving the safety and well-being of individuals working in industry.
The Bluey Webinar Series - Epoxy Resin Technology with Max Simmons, Founder of EpiMax
Steve Goldman Art of the Drill
Steve Goldman discusses how to have a safe, effective drill for your hospital or healthcare facility. Due to the new CMS Emergency Preparedness Guidelines set to be in full effect by November 2017, many emergency planners are looking at ways to improve their drills. Steve has lots of ideas to reviewing and improving your drills to ensure everyone is safe during an incident.
IPC London Sunday Message - Pr Thomas Philip on 09/06/2019
IPC London Sunday Message by Guest speaker Pastor Thomas Philip Venmany (IPC General Joint Secretary)
Bebi philip - On Va Piétiner ft. KOFFI OLOMIDE
Music video for On Va Piétiner ft KOFFI OLOMIDE performed by Bebi philip. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcVJuyx_vU96hlCMD4zm_Ig https://instagram.com/bebi.philip.5 https://itunes.apple.com/fr/artist/bebi-philip/id425092975 Copyright (C) 2016 BBP Team Records. --- Powered by http://www.vydia.com http://vevo.ly/P9BrDU
Crisis Management & Business Resiliency with MIT's Dr. Steve Goldman
Subscribe to the Disaster Empire Website newsletter and follow my blogs at: www.disasterempire.com Ashley Goosman's LinkedIn Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/ashley-goosman Dr. Steve's Profile - linkedin.com/in/dr-steve-goldman-5668844 Crisis Management and Business Resiliency, Advanced Business Resiliency: web.mit.edu/professional/short-programs/courses/crisis_management.html Consulting: SteveGoldmanAssociates.com (Company) More link's to a sampling of Ashley's works: DRJ Career Spotlight: Career Spotlight – https://drj.com/journal_main/career-spotlight-ashley-goosman/ Business Continuity Institute (BCI): Engaging with others is invaluable for your career: https://www.thebci.org/news/engaging-with-others-is-invaluable-for-your-career-interview-with-ashley-goosman.html Continuity Insights: https://continuityinsights.com/the-end-of-business-continuity-as-we-know-it/ If you are interested in sponsoring an upcoming video, being a guest on the channel, or partnering on future blogs, contact me at info@disasterempire.com #massachusettsinstituteoftechnology #education #certification #crisismanagement #resilience #businessresilience #businesscontinuity
Tina Philip on her wedding with Nikhil Sharma getting postponed due to Coronavirus | Exclusive
'Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampanna' actress Tina Philip recently postponed her wedding with fiance Nikhil Sharma due to Coronavirus outbreak and she shares how the feeling was like and what precautions she is taking currently. Watch the video to know more. #TinaPhilip #NikhilSharma #SarvagunSampanna
Davie Philip on grassroots empowerment in tackling the Climate Emergency-SCCAN General Assembly 2020
Scottish Communities Climate Action Network General Assembly 13 September 2020 Our community’s chance to steer our support and decide SCCAN’s priority for activities. We explored: Storytelling, Podcasts, Regional Gatherings, Local Zero Carbon Plans, Governance skills and Fundraising. Our keynote speaker is Davie Philip - a Scottish activist who's been advocating for sustainable community in Ireland for over 20 years. He hosts events and facilitates groups - working on collaborative approaches to help their localities flourish - through Cultivate, the trading name of the Sustainable Ireland Cooperative Society he co-founded in 2000. Davie - based at WeCreate, an ecosystem of innovation in Cloughjordan Ecovillage - has served on the Council of ECOLISE, the European network for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability for 4 years. He was elected as an ECOLISE co-president - along with Francesca Whitlock of Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) Europe - in 2019. We heard Davie Philip's Presentation on grassroots empowerment in tackling the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Davie is a Scottish activist who's been advocating for a sustainable community in Ireland for over 20 years. He facilitates groups working on collaborative approaches to help localities flourish - through Cultivate, the trading name of the Sustainable Ireland Cooperative Society he co-founded in 2000. Read the full event's report here: https://bit.ly/sccanga13sept Communities for Future website: https://events.communitiesforfuture.org/ http://www.cultivate.ie/about-cultivate-new/our-people http://www.resilience.cultivate.ie/ Scottish Communities Climate Action Network - a network of community groups and organisations taking action on climate change. Our Purpose: To inspire and promote, connect and support community-led action in Scotland to address the Climate Emergency https://www.scottishcommunitiescan.org.uk/
Yale Zhang | Mella Pet Care - Innovations in Workflow Through Connected Devices - Episode 94
Taking a pet's temperature and having that information automatically added to their medical record would be a huge efficiency gain. This week, Shawn & Ivan chat with Yale Zhang of Mella Pet Care about innovations in workflow through connected devices. Yale recommends Smart People Should Build Things by Andrew Yang (amzn.to/3eq76Kv). Learn more about Yale at mella.ai. 👉 Mentioned in This Episode: - Launching a New Startup With the Same Team - Connecting Medical Devices to Practice Management Software - Creating Devices for Both Veterinarians and Pet Parents Our website: https://www.veterinaryinnovationpodcast.com/ Subscribe: Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2Y9joNR Google Podcasts - http://bit.ly/2X36dMZ Google Play - http://bit.ly/2XxdskI Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2KzSw6x Stitcher - http://bit.ly/2Y4ZK5H
SelectUSA 2023 Preparation a Visit with Mark Sullivan, MA Office of International Trade & Investment
Mark Sullivan, mark.f.sullivan@state.ma.us MA Office of International Trade & Investment (MOITI), https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-office-of-international-trade-and-investment .. SelectUSA Summit, 1-4 May 2023, Washington, DC https://www.selectusasummit.us/ -- Feel free to contact us with any questions Bill Kenney, bill@meetroi.com MEET, http://meetroi.com/
ACG NY 15th Annual Healthcare Conference | March 2023 | Mark Sullivan
Mark Sullivan, Chief Growth Officer & Partner of Stonehaven its down with ACG NY during the 15th Annual Healthcare Conference. The event assembled over 450 senior Middle Market Healthcare payers, providers, systems as well as top private equity, family office and strategic buyers representing billions of dollars ready to invest in the North American Healthcare Sector.
Episode 15 - The Impact Technology Has On Business with Special Guest Mark Sullivan of Salesforce
Join us as we talk technology, digital currency, and business with Mark Sullivan - EVP at Salesforce https://www.thepavementgroup.com/
Mark Sullivan: Data is the new currency but how do you spend it?
Data is widely accepted as an asset, the drive has begun to get the maximum return from it. Hear Mark Sullivan - Global CFO, IDC talk about Data Monetization with Reema Tendulkar on CNBC TV18's TECH @ work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow IDC India on LinkedIn https://bit.ly/2H1Da8v & Twitter https://bit.ly/2TdBwHf for more updates.
Getting There Together – Why Sharing is the Future | Anya Babbitt & Yale Zhang | TEDxWilmingtonSalon
In the future, the limiting factor will be available space. The Founders of SPLT draw from their personal experiences in creating their transportation platform and talk about the direction of the shared economy and how that will help reduce waste, increase sustainability, and bring about the shared transportation platforms of tomorrow. -- Anya Babbitt is the Founder & CEO. She has started multiple businesses and exited one. Anya is resilient, resourceful and a quick decision maker. Having written her thesis on the Kyoto Protocol, Anya is driven to work with cities, corporations and universities to align integrated services thereby reformatting cities of the future. Under Anya's leadership, SPLT has been recognized for 40+ awards and prizes such as the Hult Prize, Google Demo Day, Clean Energy Trust, and Accelerate Michigan as well as press in Huffington Post, Forbes and TechCrunch. SPLT has expanded to serve organizations in the United States, Latin America, and now Europe. Anya is passionate about social responsibility and environmental impact to create a more livable and breathable world with mobility access for all. Yale Zhang, Co-Founder, comes from a background in transportation and logistics, focusing on the warehousing and distribution of physical goods around the United States. He exited a multimillion dollar healthcare products distribution company. In his capacity as Vice President of Wintao Global, they secured multi-year software development contracts with major transportation companies including Dynamex, Datatrac, Marc Global (now a subsidiary of RedPrairie). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Smart Phone Pulse Oximeter | Yale Zhang | Talks at Google
Yale Zhang is the founder of hardware start-up Safe Heart, which develops innovative wellness applications, hardware, and accessories. Their flagship product iOximeter is the first pulse oximeter to work on Android and iOS platforms, and a recent finalist on the Engadget Insert Coin competition. The iOximeter is a vital signs monitoring tool for smart phones. It is powered through the phone audio jack. Current features of the app include measurements of the oxygen saturation and heart rate, recording, and alarm functionality. Presentation will go over the conception, research, development, and commercialization of the iOximeter product. Future functionality road map will be revealed. A Q&A session will be held afterwards. The presentation will conclude with a live demo and a device giveaway.
Yale Zhang, Co-Founder, SPLT - WCX 2018
WCX TV sits down with Yale Zhang, Co-Founder of SPLT, to learn about the work that SPLT is doing regarding shared mobility.
Anya Babbit, Yale Zhang for SPLT | TEDxWilmington | Getting There Together
By: Jake Voorhees https://www.youtube.com/jakevoorhees Anya Babbitt is the Founder and CEO of Splitting Fares, Inc. (“SPLT”), an enterprise ridesharing platform changing the way people commute together. Ms. Babbitt is a marketing and brand strategist dedicated to fresh insights, authentic messaging and measurable results in sustainability. An experienced entrepreneur, Anya has founded and grown three successful companies and exited one. Anya Babbitt is not your typical entrepreneur. Number one, she is a women in a tech start-up, number two, she is the CEO and number three she is working in an area (transportation) that is dominated by men. Anya, however, is not concerned about the gender inequality or the odds of success–she is laser focused on changing the way people meet and move in urban environments. As a German immigrant, her great grandfather achieved enough success in the United States that he was able to send his five sons to Princeton Prep School and consequently to Princeton University. As a result, Anya believes that the United States provides the best opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. She understands and appreciates the supportive environment that allows and encourages her to build and scale her world-changing venture. Anya hopes to inspire other women to pursue entrepreneurship and contribute to creating jobs and socially innovative ventures. Anya has guided SPLT from a small startup in NYC to being chosen for Techstars Mobility 2015 driven by Detroit. Her professional experience spans over 15 years working in the advertising, corporate communications, marketing, product design and sales sector primarily in Boston and New York City, including several years engaged in corporate brand development for multiple brands in domestic and worldwide locations. As a marketing entrepreneur, Anya has successfully provided marketing strategies to such notable institutions and luxury brands as WilmerHale (formerly Hale & Dorr), Trilogy Capital Partners, the Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF), Vicomte A., Hermes, Cartier, Bombardier, Fraser Yachts, L’Oreal, Maybach, the Vicente Fox Center of Studies, Library and Museum, Citizens Energy Corporation and the international and domestic Polo Clubs Association. She has led large teams of individuals working under tight deadlines and with large committed budgets. Her ability to plan ahead and execute under pressure allowed her to excel within the closely tied luxury goods market creating clients out of partnership opportunities. Throughout her career she has been engaged in testing the connection between purpose driven leadership and competitive bottom line performance. As a result, her teams have consistently outperformed peers in both growth and profitability. Since 2014, she has devoted her full attention to the emerging field of social and environmental sustainability, launching SPLT. Yale Zhang is a co-founder of Splitting Fares, Inc. Prior to entering the world of entrepreneurship, Yale’s background was in transportation and logistics, focusing on the warehousing and distribution of physical goods around the United States. In his capacity as Vice President of Wintao Global, they secured multi-year software development contracts with major transportation companies including Dynamex, Datatrac, Marc Global (now a subsidiary of RedPrairie). The insight into these transportation entities allowed Yale to leave and in 2007 start Clinical Guard, his first product distribution company, in medical supplies. The company has grown from an initial annual revenue of $400K to now $3M. Later, he started a medical device innovations company, Safe Heart USA, Inc, focused on creating vital signs monitoring hardware that works in coordination with smartphones running Android and iOS. As the CEO of Safe Heart, Yale has overseen the successful commercialization of research from Oxford University, Emory University, the successful raising of grants from the Atlantic Pediatric Device Consortium, and finally, in raising capital to initially fund a newly emerging business venture. Although Yale has achieved a certain level of success with his involvement in medical devices, his primary passion has always been transportation systems, specifically autonomous vehicles. Yale believes that ongoing technology research by many private and public companies will lead to car ownership reduction as vehicles become autonomous. When that happens, extraordinary opportunities arise for people to share vehicles. He joins SPLT with the intent to help change the behavior of people so that they are comfortable with sharing rides with other people so that everyone will be ready when the autonomous vehicle economy arrives.
PTSD and Pain – Dr. Mark Sullivan
PTSD and Pain - A presentation by Dr. Mark Sullivan at the Oregon Pain Guidance conference: 4th Annual Thoughtful Approach to Chronic Pain: New Horizons, What Clearly Works
Online Events Made Simple LIVE with Mark Sullivan