Electronic Bill Presentment and Payment (EBPP)
A Global Strategic Business Report
Executive Citations
Company Discussions
Brand/Product Insights
Ricoh Flat Panel: Empower Real-Time Collaboration
With the unprecedented time we are in, companies like yours are developing plans to operate in unconventional ways out of necessity. The ability to communicate with your staff, partners and customers is vital to the survival of your business. Learn how visual communication technology can bring teams together, keep innovative ideas moving, and improve productivity with real-time digital collaboration. We will share use case applications, customer case studies, and provide best practice ideas in various vertical industries.
Asahi Pentax History - The Rise and Fall, Pentax 6x7, SMC, Ricoh History
Asahi Pentax History from the Spotmatic until the Pentax LX system. This is part 2 of 3, we talk about various cameras, many world first achievements by Pentax, and the Zeiss partnership. We discuss various achievements and business decisions done by Asahi Pentax and how the Pentax we know today became. Enjoy this history lesson as much as I enjoyed making it! ➡️ Subscribe - The Only Rainy Night Photographer: http://bit.ly/2kc7lkg ➡️ Websites Wallpapers: http://www.noealz.com Secret Videos: http://bit.ly/2Wxn1NH ✅ Merch Stickers: https://rdbl.co/2Nj5CoX Prints: https://www.society6.com/noealz Phone cases: http://bit.ly/2ruoEQB Shirts: https://teespring.com/stores/noealz Donations: paypal.me/noealz ✅ Follow me: Instagram: https://instagram.com/noealzii Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/noealzii Twitter: https://twitter.com/noealz Tumblr: https://noealzii.tumblr.com Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/noealz ✅ Affiliates: -No sponsors nor affiliates. -All my content including wallpapers and tutorials are free. -If you'd like to support my free content, please consider purchasing a print, sticker, or a $1 donation. ✅ Binge watch photography videos - Photography tutorials: https://bit.ly/2DPbzp3 - Photography Optics: http://bit.ly/2Xc0Flh - Photography vlogs: https://bit.ly/2UrQuq6 - Photo shoots: https://bit.ly/2Uv4zD9 - Livestreams: http://bit.ly/2wugDdU - Post-Stream Photos: http://bit.ly/2Klre28 - Photo Projects: http://bit.ly/2W2N4u8 - Collabs: http://bit.ly/2YUSWHJ - Secret Videos: http://bit.ly/2Wxn1NH ✅ Practice Files: http://bit.ly/2BqceuS ✅ Music courtesy of: https://jejudigital.bandcamp.com/ https://zenodio.bandcamp.com/ http://www.neontenic.com ➡️ Please comment, like, or share to support me --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There is actually quite a bit to unpack between the time of the Spotmatic and the LX system. We talk about things such as the Pentax 6x7, Pentax 67 AKA Texas Leica, and various other cameras that came out during the time such as the M series, the K1000 and a few others that had monumental achievements. Also worth mentioning the Pentax 105mm f2.4 Pentax actually produced a lot of things during this time and continued to innovate even coming up with some quirky cameras such as the Pentax Auto 110 and even the CIA camera Stinger is interesting to talk about. The story behind the SMC coatings involving Zeiss are also covered, including some History on Riken or Ricoh while mentioning some pretty great lenses that I am sure people would agree are awesome. So we go over many lenses and cameras as well such as Super Takumar 50mm f1.4 and the SMC Takumar 55mm f1.8 We also talk a little about some more obscure lenses such as the Pentax 28mm f2 aka the Hollywood lens and also the Pentax Takumar 15mm f3.5 . They've got some pretty interesting history. And the entanglements of Ricoh imaging or previously known as Riken and their developments with cameras. I'm here to sell you an idea, the idea that photography is an art form which doesn't require the latest camera gear. I believe the most important aspect of photography is the person behind the camera learning to manipulate the light to take nice photos. It upsets me to see that the majority of photographic content revolves around getting people to buy the latest camera or lens, instead of actually making photographs. 내 생각을 말해 주고 싶어요. 사진예술은 대단한 장비를 필요로 하지 않아요. 좋은 사진을 찍기위해 빛을 조절하는 법을 배우는 것이 사진의 가장 중요한 면이라고 생각해요. 사진을 잘 찍게 도와주기는 커녕 최신카메라와 렌즈를 사도록 유도하는 컨텐츠를 끊임없이 반복하는 유명 사진가들을 보면 너무 화가 나요. I'm a street photographer in Seoul, South Korea. 서울 대한민국의 사진 작가입니다. 서울사진가. All the content is free. No sponsors, No ads for e-books, presets, gear, or workshops. 모든 컨텐츠가 무료. 책장비, 작업장, 프리셋 광고 없음 My photography videos are mostly about street photography, cyberpunk photography, and night photography in Seoul, South Korea. 내 비디오는 한국에서의 사진과 나의 삶에 관한 것이다. 사진찍기좋은곳. #AsahiPentax #pentax #Asahipentaxhistory #history #photography
Virtual Reality with the New Ricoh Theta S
There is a very rapid shake up going on right now in the world of Photography - a Gold Rush in fact!! And that Gold is something called VR or Virtual Reality. It is so new and so valuable that Facebook invested $2B US in mid 2014 just to get their hands on what they felt was going to be the key player in the rush to develop displays to distribute this new content - a firm called Oculus and their product called the Rift. Google's Prime Video Property, YouTube has turned on the switch to enable the distribution of this new 360 degree VR commodity. Facebook has followed suit with their own Video System - and it all runs right in a user’s Timeline. They have also announced upcoming support for standard panoramas. But the missing link up until now has been the extreme complexity in creating this valuable VR content - that is until Ricoh introduced the Theta S - their 3rd generation VR capture Camera. No other company has Ricoh's level of experience in this new field. In fact, most of their competitors have not even entered this market with their first products. The stage is full of vapourware and unfufilled promises, yet you can create VR content today with the Ricoh Theta S. There is no better time than right now to learn what this new Digital VR Gold Rush is all about - at michaels camera Video & Digital in Melbourne. http://www.michaels.com.au/ https://theta360.com/users/93767 https://theta360.com/en/about/theta/s.html Join our michaels camera Facebook Support Group for more Photography advice, tips and discussion. https://www.facebook.com/groups/michaelsWeCanHelp/
2017 AR Trends Tech Talk-What To Expect [360 video] [shot with Ricoh Theta S and LG 360 Cam]
You missed the event or want to re-live it? Experience it in 360! '2017 AR Trends Tech Talk-What To Expect' Co-organized by 2 meet-up groups: ARVR Women and Allies (https://www.meetup.com/San-Francisco-AR-VR-Meetup-for-Women-and-Allies/) and #AReverywhere (https://www.meetup.com/AReverywhere/) on March 23, 2017 at Daqri in Sunnyvale, CA, USA. Speaker Panel: • Wenyi Zhao - Director, Vision and Sensor Group at DAQRI • Jodi Schiller - Founder of New Reality Arts • Matt Miesnieks - Partner at Super Ventures This is a 360 video! Rotate to move your view between the panelists and the audience. This was shot with 2 different 360 cameras: the first 49 minutes with a Ricoh Theta S and the rest with an LG 360 Cam. Edited with Windows Movie Maker (free video editing software for PC) ------------------------------------- Hey, Cécile Eskenazi here! Let's talk about AUGMENTED REALITY, VIRTUAL REALITY and 360 PHOTO & VIDEO :) Thanks for watching and have fun learning to play with AR, VR and 360 content! If this helped you at all, be sure to LIKE & SHARE IT! Please SUBSCRIBE to my channel and say hi in the comment section. ------------------------------- GEAR I'm using to SHOOT IN 360: ► I shoot 360 videos using the LG 360 Cam. I got it for $100 only on Amazon US! http://amzn.to/2qAvlil ► When I'm not using the LG 360 Cam, I'm shooting 360 videos with the Ricoh Theta S (~$300) http://amzn.to/2q7K9Ff ► Don't forget to get an SD card if you use the LG 360 Cam as you can't shoot without (not an issue on the Ricoh with 8GB of built-in memory). Mine is the PNY Elite 128 GB (~$40) http://amzn.to/2q80IB1 ► For convenience, I use a monopod: Smatree SmaPole Q3 (~$23) http://amzn.to/2pOHZHk My initial equipment investment was ~$163 (LG 360 Cam + monopod + memory card) My favourite consumer 360 cameras include: ► LG 360 Cam http://amzn.to/2qAvlil ► Ricoh Theta S http://amzn.to/2q7K9Ff ► Samsung Gear 360 (2017 Edition) http://amzn.to/2pONg3L ► Samsung Gear 360 (old version) http://amzn.to/2q7FoLJ ► Insta360 Nano (for iPhone) http://amzn.to/2q0g4nS ► Insta360 Air (for Android with type-C connector) http://amzn.to/2q07e9W ► Insta360 Air (for Android with micro-USB connector) http://amzn.to/2qjhJIf ► Giroptic iO (for iPhone/iPad) http://amzn.to/2qjte2w -------------------------------------- SUBSCRIBE for free to a VR journey for more 360 tips and goodness: https://www.youtube.com/aVRjourney?sub_confirmation=1 FOLLOW ME on social media! ► Follow a VR journey on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/avrjourney ► Join our '360 for all' community on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/360forall ► Follow a VR journey on Twitter: https://twitter.com/aVRjourney ► Follow a VR journey on Medium: https://medium.com/@aVRjourney ► Follow a VR journey on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avrjourney/ ► Add a VR journey on Snapchat! https://www.snapchat.com/add/avrjourney ► Subscribe to a VR journey on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/aVRjourney --------------------------------------- #360video #360degree #aVRjourney #360forall #360pourtous #daily360 #VirtualReality #VR #lg360 #ricohthetas #littleplanet #tinyplanet ---------------------------------------- Disclaimer: some of the links I publish are affiliate links. If you purchase a product by using these links, I may receive a small commission to support my service. I am an independent publisher committed to bringing you the latest trends, products and services on 360 photo/video, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality.
RICOH - press conference from the IFA 2017
RICOH is proud to present the next generation of THETA! Watch the exclusive press conference from the #ifa2017 in Berlin.🌎 For more information visit our channels: 👉🏻 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RicohTheta 👉🏼 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theta360official 👉🏽 Twitter: https://twitter.com/RicohTheta360 👉🏾 Homepage: http://www.theta360.com
LIVE: Ricoh Theta | Shinobu Fujiki & Thijs Ekelschot - IVRPA Conference | Belfast 2019
Watch IVRPA Conference | Belfast 2019 LIVE ▶ https://belfast.ivrpa.org/ Ricoh Theta | Shinobu Fujiki & Thijs Ekelschot Speakers: Shinobu Fujiki & Thijs Ekelschot The Ricoh Theta 360-degree camera captures everything in front of its two wide-angle lenses with just one single shot. Ricoh has brought 360-degree imagery closer to a wide audience since the first Ricoh Theta was introduced in 2013. The new Ricoh Theta Z1 is equipped with a 1 inch type sensors capable of capturing far more light and detail than before while photographers can easily access various functions, including ISO, shutter speed, and exposure compensation settings. Ricoh is a proud partner of the IVRPA and pleased to share its commitment to the world of 360 imagery. Find out more here ▶ https://belfast.ivrpa.org/
Ricoh Vasco van Roosmalen 06042012
Op 7 Ditches TV vind je televisie gesprekken met ondernemers en andere boeiende mensen. Kijk voor alle video's op http://www.7ditches.tv
Hopwood Hall College - Ricoh UK case study (IT Services)
In partnership with Ricoh IT Services, the Hopwood Hall College has deployed a virtualised IT infrastructure which has transformed the way students and staff access learning resources and services and has saved the College almost £500k over three years.
In the Spotlight with Ricoh Europe: The Future Intelligent and Sustainable Workplace
#hybridwork #sustainability #futureofwork #ricoh In this episode of Quocirca’s In the Spotlight video podcast series, Louella Fernandes talks to David Mills, CEO Ricoh Europe about how the company has adapted to digital disruption in the print market. David explains how Ricoh is managing its own hybrid workforce and how it is using Ricoh Spaces, which helps companies manage office space. Louella and David discuss Ricoh’s timely acquisition of DocuWare and how it is helping businesses from SMBs to large enterprises to successfully digitise. Topics include: • Ricoh’s five key business focus areas • How customers across Europe are managing the Covid recovery • The surge in demand for cybersecurity and cloud services • How IT Services and MPS link to create sales opportunities • Ricoh’s approach to driving innovation • Company priorities for 2022 For more information about Ricoh visit www.ricoh-europe.com Timestamps: 0:00 - Intro 0:44 - David’s career journey, role at Ricoh Europe and charity activities 3:07 – Ricoh’s five-pronged strategy to adapt to changing customer demand 4:40 – The services and technologies customers need to embrace the hybrid workplace 6:44 – How Ricoh is supporting its own hybrid workforce 9:10 – How Ricoh Spaces can help employees return to work with confidence 10:39 – The Covid recovery in Europe and how companies are reviewing MPS provision 13:30 – Sectors where Ricoh is seeing strong demand for IT Services and cybersecurity 14:46 – The DocuWare acquisition and its benefits for workplace digitisation 19:43 – The challenges in supporting channel partners to offer digital services 21:22 – Why ESG is such a hot topic and how Ricoh is addressing it 24:00 – Ricoh Europe’s approach to diversity and inclusion 25:19 – How Ricoh is fostering innovation through innovation hubs worldwide 26:57 – Customer expectations around sustainability performance and waste reduction 28:59 – How MPS and IT Services link together to create business opportunities 33:45 – Ricoh’s priorities and plans for 2022
ATP World Tour Ricoh 2012
Highlights movie of the ATP World Tour Finals programme and interviews with scenes of our Canary Wharf office where we met up with 700 guests throughout the ATP week. Carsten Bruhn also discusses the connection between our great company and the 'Carbon neutral' services we provide at the ATP
DAY 1 - Maite Jiménez, VP Supply Chain Management EMEA | Ricoh Europe
The last two years have shown how interconnected and vulnerable our supply chains are, and recent events have tested businesses to breaking point. Maite will address how supply chain leaders can sustain a new standard of digital leadership, with a discussion of 2023 trends, effective leadership, urgent priorities, and measuring success in a volatile market. Ready to connect? Join the DELIVER online community: https://www.linkedin.com/company/deliverevents https://twitter.com/deliverevents?lang=en https://www.deliver.events/
Taking Pictures at Houston Events with the RICOH SHOTMASTER AF-P
Taking portraits at Slab Sundays at MacGregor Park, Prauper Studios "Houston Forever" opening night exhibit and "FreeByTheKeyLow" party with the Ricoh ShotMaster AF-P. Thank you to Jar of Film for partnering with me for this video. Don't forget to comment, like and subscribe. Follow me on Instagram @melbee.photo. See yall on the next one :) Jar of Film: https://www.jaroffilm.com Prauper Studios: https://www.prauper.com FreeByTheKeyLow: https://www.bythekeylow.com/ Film Developed & Scanned: https://photo-life-photo-shop.business.site All royalty free music from Epidemic Sound. Use my referral link: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/rr0j56
【Revive Tech Asia - Ricoh x Cisco】智能會議艙 流動工作開會新趨勢
在未來工作間展區,Bowie見到好靚玻璃屋,原來是Ricoh智能會議艙SmartPod。可流動組裝及超強隔音的SmartPod,內置思科Meraki物聯網方案,無論有線及無線裝置均可上網,更有視像會議系統連繫團隊協作。SmartPod內置空氣淨化器及警報系統,是一個安全、舒適、多用途的流動會議室。 相較建造傳統會議室,SmartPod更具成本效益,而且一天組裝完成,也方便未來搬移。
RICOH GR Event in London - #shootGR_London
Over 40 GR Photographers all met up in London - home to arguably the biggest GR community in Europe - if not the world! It was a great turnout and the perfecto opportunity to meet photographers face-to-face as opposed to only communicating online. After some great presentations from @seantuck and @SamuelStreetlife, everyone had their cameras with them, so we split into three groups for a photowalk. We were Shoreditch - home to UK's street art capital - which was the perfect spot to get some great shots and just enjoy photography. If you didn't make it this time, stay tuned for future events. We're thinking the next stop will be the Netherlands as the #shootGR_Amsterdam hashtag now has over 1000 uses of the gram. Thank you to everyone who came to the event, making it a day to remember! Make sure to subscribe if this is content you think you’d be interested in, and click the bell if you’d like to be notified when we post in the future. Help us out by sharing this channel if you know others who may be interested. Website: https://www.ricohgr.eu Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ricoh_gr_photography Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ricoh.gr.photography #shootGR
New Ricoh Theta Z1 is HERE! Plus: 10 things you've always wanted to know about Theta
There's a new Ricoh Theta Z1 for 2021! Will Theta Z1 have a higher resolution video? Will there be a cheaper version of Theta Z1? Will they add a RAW mode to Theta V? I had the opportunity to ask these and other questions we always wanted to know about the Theta Z1 straight from the source by talking to the head of the Theta division, Ricoh Theta General Manager Mr. Shinobu Fujiki. I obviously did not fly to Japan, nor did Mr. Fujiki fly to US for this interview. I recorded my questions, sent them to Ricoh, and Ricoh recorded their answers. Then I edited the videos together. Theta Z1 has the largest sensors among 360 cameras with two 1-inch sensors. It has amazing photo quality but it has some limitations, including nonremovable storage. For 2021, the new version of the Theta addresses that need but leaves many questions. So I asked Ricoh these questions that we're all dying to know about the Theta! #theta360 #360cameras #virtualtour
Ricoh Helps Veterans Find Their Career Path | Military Makeover: Operation Career
When transitioning out of the military, many veterans realize adjusting to civilian life and finding their next career path can be difficult. Ricoh understands the sacrifices that current and former military have made on behalf of our country. Their goal is to help veterans use their valuable military skills as a springboard to a successful career. Strong work ethic, dedication, integrity, leadership, adaptability, and dependability are just a few of the traits veterans bring to the table. They're the same values Ricoh looks for in their employees. They believe those characteristics drive veterans to excel in the workplace. Ricoh's business is to empower digital workplaces using innovative technologies and services that enable individuals to work smarter. That mission translates to our country's veterans. They hire — and empower — former military to begin a successful civilian career. They're always looking for smart, driven, and talented veterans to join their team. Plus, their commitment to veterans goes far beyond compensation. They take care of employees with excellent benefits: healthcare, retirement savings plans, paid holidays, personal time off, employee assistance programs, and more. They also support veterans through the annual Ricoh Run for Heroes, which has raised more than $100,000 for the military and their families. 105493 1080P
Ricoh - Automation of the Incident Management process
Ricoh and Oracle: increasing efficiency and effectiveness in sales | Oracle Live
Learn more: https://oracle.com/cx/innovations/fusion-sales/ It all started with a question: How can we ensure that the right information is available to sellers at the right time, with minimal searching? Oracle and Ricoh partnered to discover what in the product development process could help sellers better leverage technology, directly within the application, and meet their customer needs. Contact us: https://www.oracle.com/cx/contact-us/ Customer Experience (CX) - https://www.oracle.com/cx/ Oracle Advertising and CX Events - https://www.oracle.com/cx/events/ Advertising - https://www.oracle.com/cx/advertising/ Marketing - https://www.oracle.com/cx/marketing/ Sales - https://www.oracle.com/cx/sales/ Service - https://www.oracle.com/cx/service/ What is CRM? - https://www.oracle.com/cx/what-is-crm/ What is Customer Service? - https://www.oracle.com/cx/service/what-is-customer-service/ What is Marketing Automation? - https://www.oracle.com/cx/marketing/automation/what-is-marketing-automation/ Subscribe to Oracle's YouTube channel - https://social.ora.cl/6004yGDBE
The Bluey Webinar Series - Epoxy Resin Technology with Max Simmons, Founder of EpiMax
Steve Goldman Art of the Drill
Steve Goldman discusses how to have a safe, effective drill for your hospital or healthcare facility. Due to the new CMS Emergency Preparedness Guidelines set to be in full effect by November 2017, many emergency planners are looking at ways to improve their drills. Steve has lots of ideas to reviewing and improving your drills to ensure everyone is safe during an incident.
IPC London Sunday Message - Pr Thomas Philip on 09/06/2019
IPC London Sunday Message by Guest speaker Pastor Thomas Philip Venmany (IPC General Joint Secretary)
Bebi philip - On Va Piétiner ft. KOFFI OLOMIDE
Music video for On Va Piétiner ft KOFFI OLOMIDE performed by Bebi philip. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcVJuyx_vU96hlCMD4zm_Ig https://instagram.com/bebi.philip.5 https://itunes.apple.com/fr/artist/bebi-philip/id425092975 Copyright (C) 2016 BBP Team Records. --- Powered by http://www.vydia.com http://vevo.ly/P9BrDU
Crisis Management & Business Resiliency with MIT's Dr. Steve Goldman
Subscribe to the Disaster Empire Website newsletter and follow my blogs at: www.disasterempire.com Ashley Goosman's LinkedIn Profile: www.linkedin.com/in/ashley-goosman Dr. Steve's Profile - linkedin.com/in/dr-steve-goldman-5668844 Crisis Management and Business Resiliency, Advanced Business Resiliency: web.mit.edu/professional/short-programs/courses/crisis_management.html Consulting: SteveGoldmanAssociates.com (Company) More link's to a sampling of Ashley's works: DRJ Career Spotlight: Career Spotlight – https://drj.com/journal_main/career-spotlight-ashley-goosman/ Business Continuity Institute (BCI): Engaging with others is invaluable for your career: https://www.thebci.org/news/engaging-with-others-is-invaluable-for-your-career-interview-with-ashley-goosman.html Continuity Insights: https://continuityinsights.com/the-end-of-business-continuity-as-we-know-it/ If you are interested in sponsoring an upcoming video, being a guest on the channel, or partnering on future blogs, contact me at info@disasterempire.com #massachusettsinstituteoftechnology #education #certification #crisismanagement #resilience #businessresilience #businesscontinuity
Tina Philip on her wedding with Nikhil Sharma getting postponed due to Coronavirus | Exclusive
'Ek Bhram Sarvagun Sampanna' actress Tina Philip recently postponed her wedding with fiance Nikhil Sharma due to Coronavirus outbreak and she shares how the feeling was like and what precautions she is taking currently. Watch the video to know more. #TinaPhilip #NikhilSharma #SarvagunSampanna
Davie Philip on grassroots empowerment in tackling the Climate Emergency-SCCAN General Assembly 2020
Scottish Communities Climate Action Network General Assembly 13 September 2020 Our community’s chance to steer our support and decide SCCAN’s priority for activities. We explored: Storytelling, Podcasts, Regional Gatherings, Local Zero Carbon Plans, Governance skills and Fundraising. Our keynote speaker is Davie Philip - a Scottish activist who's been advocating for sustainable community in Ireland for over 20 years. He hosts events and facilitates groups - working on collaborative approaches to help their localities flourish - through Cultivate, the trading name of the Sustainable Ireland Cooperative Society he co-founded in 2000. Davie - based at WeCreate, an ecosystem of innovation in Cloughjordan Ecovillage - has served on the Council of ECOLISE, the European network for community-led initiatives on climate change and sustainability for 4 years. He was elected as an ECOLISE co-president - along with Francesca Whitlock of Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) Europe - in 2019. We heard Davie Philip's Presentation on grassroots empowerment in tackling the Climate and Ecological Emergency. Davie is a Scottish activist who's been advocating for a sustainable community in Ireland for over 20 years. He facilitates groups working on collaborative approaches to help localities flourish - through Cultivate, the trading name of the Sustainable Ireland Cooperative Society he co-founded in 2000. Read the full event's report here: https://bit.ly/sccanga13sept Communities for Future website: https://events.communitiesforfuture.org/ http://www.cultivate.ie/about-cultivate-new/our-people http://www.resilience.cultivate.ie/ Scottish Communities Climate Action Network - a network of community groups and organisations taking action on climate change. Our Purpose: To inspire and promote, connect and support community-led action in Scotland to address the Climate Emergency https://www.scottishcommunitiescan.org.uk/
Yale Zhang | Mella Pet Care - Innovations in Workflow Through Connected Devices - Episode 94
Taking a pet's temperature and having that information automatically added to their medical record would be a huge efficiency gain. This week, Shawn & Ivan chat with Yale Zhang of Mella Pet Care about innovations in workflow through connected devices. Yale recommends Smart People Should Build Things by Andrew Yang (amzn.to/3eq76Kv). Learn more about Yale at mella.ai. 👉 Mentioned in This Episode: - Launching a New Startup With the Same Team - Connecting Medical Devices to Practice Management Software - Creating Devices for Both Veterinarians and Pet Parents Our website: https://www.veterinaryinnovationpodcast.com/ Subscribe: Apple Podcasts - https://apple.co/2Y9joNR Google Podcasts - http://bit.ly/2X36dMZ Google Play - http://bit.ly/2XxdskI Spotify - https://spoti.fi/2KzSw6x Stitcher - http://bit.ly/2Y4ZK5H
SelectUSA 2023 Preparation a Visit with Mark Sullivan, MA Office of International Trade & Investment
Mark Sullivan, mark.f.sullivan@state.ma.us MA Office of International Trade & Investment (MOITI), https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massachusetts-office-of-international-trade-and-investment .. SelectUSA Summit, 1-4 May 2023, Washington, DC https://www.selectusasummit.us/ -- Feel free to contact us with any questions Bill Kenney, bill@meetroi.com MEET, http://meetroi.com/
ACG NY 15th Annual Healthcare Conference | March 2023 | Mark Sullivan
Mark Sullivan, Chief Growth Officer & Partner of Stonehaven its down with ACG NY during the 15th Annual Healthcare Conference. The event assembled over 450 senior Middle Market Healthcare payers, providers, systems as well as top private equity, family office and strategic buyers representing billions of dollars ready to invest in the North American Healthcare Sector.
Episode 15 - The Impact Technology Has On Business with Special Guest Mark Sullivan of Salesforce
Join us as we talk technology, digital currency, and business with Mark Sullivan - EVP at Salesforce https://www.thepavementgroup.com/
Mark Sullivan: Data is the new currency but how do you spend it?
Data is widely accepted as an asset, the drive has begun to get the maximum return from it. Hear Mark Sullivan - Global CFO, IDC talk about Data Monetization with Reema Tendulkar on CNBC TV18's TECH @ work. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Follow IDC India on LinkedIn https://bit.ly/2H1Da8v & Twitter https://bit.ly/2TdBwHf for more updates.
Getting There Together – Why Sharing is the Future | Anya Babbitt & Yale Zhang | TEDxWilmingtonSalon
In the future, the limiting factor will be available space. The Founders of SPLT draw from their personal experiences in creating their transportation platform and talk about the direction of the shared economy and how that will help reduce waste, increase sustainability, and bring about the shared transportation platforms of tomorrow. -- Anya Babbitt is the Founder & CEO. She has started multiple businesses and exited one. Anya is resilient, resourceful and a quick decision maker. Having written her thesis on the Kyoto Protocol, Anya is driven to work with cities, corporations and universities to align integrated services thereby reformatting cities of the future. Under Anya's leadership, SPLT has been recognized for 40+ awards and prizes such as the Hult Prize, Google Demo Day, Clean Energy Trust, and Accelerate Michigan as well as press in Huffington Post, Forbes and TechCrunch. SPLT has expanded to serve organizations in the United States, Latin America, and now Europe. Anya is passionate about social responsibility and environmental impact to create a more livable and breathable world with mobility access for all. Yale Zhang, Co-Founder, comes from a background in transportation and logistics, focusing on the warehousing and distribution of physical goods around the United States. He exited a multimillion dollar healthcare products distribution company. In his capacity as Vice President of Wintao Global, they secured multi-year software development contracts with major transportation companies including Dynamex, Datatrac, Marc Global (now a subsidiary of RedPrairie). This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx
Smart Phone Pulse Oximeter | Yale Zhang | Talks at Google
Yale Zhang is the founder of hardware start-up Safe Heart, which develops innovative wellness applications, hardware, and accessories. Their flagship product iOximeter is the first pulse oximeter to work on Android and iOS platforms, and a recent finalist on the Engadget Insert Coin competition. The iOximeter is a vital signs monitoring tool for smart phones. It is powered through the phone audio jack. Current features of the app include measurements of the oxygen saturation and heart rate, recording, and alarm functionality. Presentation will go over the conception, research, development, and commercialization of the iOximeter product. Future functionality road map will be revealed. A Q&A session will be held afterwards. The presentation will conclude with a live demo and a device giveaway.
Yale Zhang, Co-Founder, SPLT - WCX 2018
WCX TV sits down with Yale Zhang, Co-Founder of SPLT, to learn about the work that SPLT is doing regarding shared mobility.
Anya Babbit, Yale Zhang for SPLT | TEDxWilmington | Getting There Together
By: Jake Voorhees https://www.youtube.com/jakevoorhees Anya Babbitt is the Founder and CEO of Splitting Fares, Inc. (“SPLT”), an enterprise ridesharing platform changing the way people commute together. Ms. Babbitt is a marketing and brand strategist dedicated to fresh insights, authentic messaging and measurable results in sustainability. An experienced entrepreneur, Anya has founded and grown three successful companies and exited one. Anya Babbitt is not your typical entrepreneur. Number one, she is a women in a tech start-up, number two, she is the CEO and number three she is working in an area (transportation) that is dominated by men. Anya, however, is not concerned about the gender inequality or the odds of success–she is laser focused on changing the way people meet and move in urban environments. As a German immigrant, her great grandfather achieved enough success in the United States that he was able to send his five sons to Princeton Prep School and consequently to Princeton University. As a result, Anya believes that the United States provides the best opportunities for innovation and entrepreneurship. She understands and appreciates the supportive environment that allows and encourages her to build and scale her world-changing venture. Anya hopes to inspire other women to pursue entrepreneurship and contribute to creating jobs and socially innovative ventures. Anya has guided SPLT from a small startup in NYC to being chosen for Techstars Mobility 2015 driven by Detroit. Her professional experience spans over 15 years working in the advertising, corporate communications, marketing, product design and sales sector primarily in Boston and New York City, including several years engaged in corporate brand development for multiple brands in domestic and worldwide locations. As a marketing entrepreneur, Anya has successfully provided marketing strategies to such notable institutions and luxury brands as WilmerHale (formerly Hale & Dorr), Trilogy Capital Partners, the Winter Equestrian Festival (WEF), Vicomte A., Hermes, Cartier, Bombardier, Fraser Yachts, L’Oreal, Maybach, the Vicente Fox Center of Studies, Library and Museum, Citizens Energy Corporation and the international and domestic Polo Clubs Association. She has led large teams of individuals working under tight deadlines and with large committed budgets. Her ability to plan ahead and execute under pressure allowed her to excel within the closely tied luxury goods market creating clients out of partnership opportunities. Throughout her career she has been engaged in testing the connection between purpose driven leadership and competitive bottom line performance. As a result, her teams have consistently outperformed peers in both growth and profitability. Since 2014, she has devoted her full attention to the emerging field of social and environmental sustainability, launching SPLT. Yale Zhang is a co-founder of Splitting Fares, Inc. Prior to entering the world of entrepreneurship, Yale’s background was in transportation and logistics, focusing on the warehousing and distribution of physical goods around the United States. In his capacity as Vice President of Wintao Global, they secured multi-year software development contracts with major transportation companies including Dynamex, Datatrac, Marc Global (now a subsidiary of RedPrairie). The insight into these transportation entities allowed Yale to leave and in 2007 start Clinical Guard, his first product distribution company, in medical supplies. The company has grown from an initial annual revenue of $400K to now $3M. Later, he started a medical device innovations company, Safe Heart USA, Inc, focused on creating vital signs monitoring hardware that works in coordination with smartphones running Android and iOS. As the CEO of Safe Heart, Yale has overseen the successful commercialization of research from Oxford University, Emory University, the successful raising of grants from the Atlantic Pediatric Device Consortium, and finally, in raising capital to initially fund a newly emerging business venture. Although Yale has achieved a certain level of success with his involvement in medical devices, his primary passion has always been transportation systems, specifically autonomous vehicles. Yale believes that ongoing technology research by many private and public companies will lead to car ownership reduction as vehicles become autonomous. When that happens, extraordinary opportunities arise for people to share vehicles. He joins SPLT with the intent to help change the behavior of people so that they are comfortable with sharing rides with other people so that everyone will be ready when the autonomous vehicle economy arrives.
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